Hi! I'm Gábor.

Profile picture of Gábor L Ugray

As a software engineer I build no-nonsense products that deliver value and spark joy in users. My passions are language technology and online collaboration. I'm a co-founder of memoQ.

As a generative artist I use code as a medium to create visual experiences, mixing solitary exploration and performative live coding. I produce purely digital works as well as algorithmically composed physical pieces.

Ways to reach me


Blog roll / newsletters

My personal internet. Links to real people.

jvns.ca - Julia Evans
danluu.com - Dan Luu
todepond.com/wikiblogarden - Lu Wilson's Wikiblogarden
soatok.blog - Soatok Dreamseeker's Dhole Moments
ludic.mataroa.blog - Ludicity
languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu - Language Log
pluralistic.net - Pluralistic by Cory Doctorow
vickiboykis.com - Vicki Boykis
hamoid.com - Abe Pazos Solatie
gorillasun.de - Ahmad Moussa
koenvangilst.nl - Koen van Gilst

magazine.sebastianraschka.com - Sebastian Raschka's Ahead of AI
scopeofwork.net - Spencer Wright's Scope of Work
steadyhq.com/de/frau-meike-meint - Meike Stoverocks Amor und Psyche
steadyhq.com/en/robindetje - Robin Detjes Wetugabung
steadyhq.com/de/am-brett - Frédéric Valins Am Brett