All texts

This is an archive of texts I've written over the years.

All Chinese Creative Coding Generative Art Language Localization NLP Software Stuff UX & Design  

Finagling photons for a generative blueprint

September 4, 2024 Generative Art

Fast line hiding with a WebGL shader for pen plots

November 11, 2022 Creative Coding

Five introverts hop on a bus: my first brush with mob programming

March 2, 2021 Stuff Software

I see you

April 27, 2020 Stuff

Your German vocabulary on a curve

February 26, 2020 Language NLP

Is automatic Pinyin transcription feasible? I tested Google MT and Key5.

January 19, 2020 Chinese NLP

I translated a Chinese dictionary from English. Here are 5 takeaways for the translation industry.

October 23, 2019 Chinese Localization

7 ways to ruin user experience through bad localization

May 7, 2018 Language Localization UX & Design

What’s cooking in the Hungarian NLP scene? MSZNY 2018 conference report.

January 24, 2018 NLP

Blockchain as translation’s new foundational technology

January 13, 2018 Localization Stuff

CC-CEDICT contributions follow Zipf’s law

November 28, 2017 Chinese NLP Stuff

Neural MT: hip young technology looking for a business model

September 4, 2017 Localization NLP

We wanted a Frankenstein translator and ended up with a bilingual chatbot

August 8, 2017 Software NLP

Translation quality. WannaCry?

May 29, 2017 Localization Software

Language connects (or separates?) the top 50 LSPs. An interactive data visualization

May 22, 2017 Stuff NLP

The ultimate CAT tool jargon buster

May 16, 2017 Stuff

AI in the language industry: We’re asking the wrong questions

May 8, 2017 Software NLP UX & Design

Are you a localization nerd? Take this quiz to find out!

May 4, 2017 Localization Stuff

D’Oh! It’s the hapaxes. And how lexicography is an uphill battle

April 17, 2017 Chinese Language Software

A curious cliff: coincidence, anomaly, or proof of ancestry?

April 16, 2017 Chinese Language Software

Word’s Editor: prejudice disguised as technology. A rant.

March 31, 2017 Language Software Stuff

Sрaм тruмрs language

December 9, 2016 Language Software Stuff

Has technology made learning Chinese too easy? (No.)

December 19, 2015 Chinese Software

Color temperature of Mandarin tones

December 8, 2015 Chinese Software UX & Design

Chinese computing resources #2

April 2, 2015 Software Chinese

Chinese computing resources

March 29, 2015 Software Chinese

A strange couple: HDZB_75 and Arphic Kai

February 7, 2015 Software Chinese

Chinese typefaces: simplified and traditional

January 11, 2015 Software Chinese

Chinese typefaces: Kai, Song, Ming, Hei

January 5, 2015 Software Chinese

Authorial analysis #3: Writers, disguised and translated

August 23, 2013 NLP Language Software

Authorial analysis #2: Cross-interrogation methods

August 20, 2013 NLP Language Software

Authorial analysis #1: Geometry

August 16, 2013 NLP Language Software