Plot #062source code

Generated by: Sketch 117 / schotter-via-zellyn

A grid of 12x22 squares. The farther down and to the right we get, the more each square is randomly shifted and rotated.

© Gábor L Ugray CC BY-NC-SA

Like many other freshly minted generative artists, one of the first graphics I coded up was a recreation of Georg Nees's Schotter from 1968. None of us got the idea to *exactly* recreate Schotter's work, however - until Zellyn Hunter came along. And what a journey that was! Using a mix of research, reverse engineering, and brute-force search on today's incredibly more powerful computers, Zellyn found not only the function Nees used to generate pseudo-random numbers, but also the exact seeds that produced the original Schotter.

Zellyn has generously shared his journey, and the recreated algorithm in Python, here: Now I took his result, coded it anew, and plotted my own copy of OG Schotter. Click the 'source code' link at the top for my Javascript version.

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